How to Renew a Commercial Drivers License in Alabama

There are two ways to perform CDL renewal in Alabama: drivers can apply for a renewal in person or online. Though a driving test is not required for drivers who are renewing their licenses, skills tests are required to maintain endorsements. The CDL renewal cost can also be paid online, but the DMV CDL offices will also accept payment in any form – except for checks. Before you renew your license, be sure to complete a CDL medical card renewal or confirm your medical exemption.

Like the commercial drivers license, commercial learners permits can be renewed online. Unlike when you renew commercial drivers license credentials, there are no permit tests required. There are also no medical requirement or necessity to prove identity. However, if the extended permit expires before the driver applies for a proper CDL, the driver will need to restart the application process from the beginning.

When to Renew Your CDL License in Alabama

A CDL renewal is required every eight years in Alabama, and the license expires on the driver’s birthday. A CDL may be renewed as early as 180 days prior to the license expiration date, but there is no CDL expiration grace period. Additionally, drivers will only be given a temporary receipt after renewing their CDL, and the actual license will be mailed within the next 30 days.

Drivers who plan to renew CDL credentials with endorsements should allow some extra time to refresh their knowledge of the study materials required for their endorsement tests. Further, drivers who have a hazardous materials endorsement should begin the renewal process even earlier, in order to allow for the full month it make take TSA to process the background check.

CDL Renewal Testing Requirements in Alabama

CDL renewal requirements in Alabama do not mandate that commercial drivers take a driving test every time they upgrade or renew their CDLs. However, written tests for each endorsement are required. There is a fee for each endorsement test, and a driver with six endorsements will be required to pay the fee for six tests.

Additionally, there are two exceptions in which a driver must retake a skills test. These two endorsements are the passenger and school bus endorsements. While all others endorsements require only the written test, a driving test is required each time renew a “P” or “S” endorsement. There are additional fees for driving tests, and each required retest.

What do you need to renew your CDL license in Alabama?

To complete your CDL license renewal in Alabama, you will need proof of your citizenship or legal presence in the United States in the form of acceptable documentation. Alabama’s identity documents requirements are stricter than other states, and you will need two documents from the list below.

Note: One of those two documents must contain a recent photo of you. If you do not provide documents that include a photo, you need three documents from the list below.

When you go to renew CDL license credentials, at least one of your documents must be a primary document, and they others may be secondary. Document examples from each group include the following: